NFT President's Corner
Laquetta Mackey, President, NFT
President Laquetta Mackey has twenty-nine year of services with Norfolk Public Schools. She taught the third grade for fourteen years at Suburban Park Elementary and spent another fifteen years as a math specialist between Tanners Creek Elementary, Larrymore Elementary, St. Helena Elementary, and P.B. Young Elementary.
During her time with the union, she was a building representative for over 20 years. Mackey also taught Thinking I and II math classes at Cambridge College through AFT. Laquetta has been very active within her union from assisting with phone banking, lobbying, elections, campaigning, and much more.
President Mackey, plans to focus on equity and competitive salaries, an end to step compression, making sure students and teacher have adequate resources and devices, as well as better security. Mackey is fighting to lead Norfolk Public School Employees closer to gaining collective bargaining.

Executive Board leader for the past 9 years.
Community Organizer
Tireless advocate for teachers, students, & parents.
Taught elementary school for over 29 years.